Ryan S.
Thomason Calligraphy Illustration Maps Children's illustration Printmaking Painting Workshop Shops About and contact Commissions News and Noise |
AboutI am a freelance calligrapher, illustrator, painter, printmaker, and craftsman. My keystone is William Morris' quote:"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." Other important influences include Joan Eardley, Mucha, Margaret MacDonald, Sister Corita Kent, Saul Bass, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Turner, medieval illumination, and folk art. I seek to put my hands under the surface of my subject matter, exploring the physicality that comes from touch, and conveying the internal fireworks lit by books and music. I have worked with clients around the world, including New Zealand wineyards, Australian game designers and Scottish greengrocers, with other projects safely delivered to thirty US states and most of Europe. My calligraphy projects have included work in a variety of hands, with uncial, italic, and copperplate being particular favourites, and Chinese, Russian, Punjab and Elvish scripts have also featured. My craft projects use reclaimed materials wherever possible, and also wood I have collected, dried, sawn and assembled myself using only hand-tools. ContactI can be emailed at ryan@ryansthomason.com, and will do my best to reply within 24 hours. Other avenues you can try include whispering to birds, writing a message in seawater or scribing in light on the moon. You probably won't get an answer, but I hear they can be very relaxing. |
Ryan S. Thomason © 2018-2021 |